Friday, April 13, 2012

Gaining momentum

Yesterday I had the opportunity to share my vision of bringing computers to Humble with some women who work with my mother at the National Maritime Center. I am excited to see women in my community getting behind this initiative, and it is my hope that my female friends and colleagues here in the states continue to set precedent for involvement over the next nine months. For those who don't know, organizations like the United Nations and the World Bank have indicated that the most successful development programs in the third world are those which not only involve, but target women in the community. Support is support nbo matter how you cut it, however it is refreshing to see young women in my community who are eager to share their gifts with the world!

With that being said, over the next few days I will continue to work on my business plan which I will share with you hopefully by Tuesday. Unitl then I leave you with some light reading about the role of women in economic development from the World Bank

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